01904 466146 info@staysyork.com

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book?

You can book and pay securely online through our website on the individual page of the property you’re interested in.  Alternatively, give us a call on 01904 466146 and you can do it over the phone.

What are the check in and checkout times?

Check in is available after 4pm with checkout being for 10am.  We are quite often asked by guests if they can arrive/depart outside these hours to tie in with train times etc.  In short we will be flexible if we can be, we may not be able to give you a definite answer on this as it depends on if we have other guests in on the same day as we need to allow time for cleaning.  If you ask just before the start of your stay we should have a clearer picture. 

How do I get my check in details?

These will be emailed to you at least a week before your arrival in York providing full payment has been made.

Can I drop my luggage off at the apartment?

Unfortunately luggage cannot be left at any of our properties prior to check in. However, you may arrange to leave your luggage with Yorbag from £4 per bag.

Do I need to bring towels and bed linen?

No, it’s all included in the properties for you.

Can you let me know the WiFi code?

Everything you need to know about the property you are staying in will be in a guest information file within the property itself.  They are left in an obvious place for you on arrival.

What happens if I need to cancel?

You can view our full cancellation policy here which forms part of our terms & conditions document for guests.

What is the complaints procedure?

We’d really hope you don’t ever need this but full details on how to make a complaint can be found in our terms & conditions document for guests.

What do I do if I have any problems during my stay?

If there is a problem that requires immediate attention outside office ours then you can contact us on our emergency line. The number will be listed in your check in details.